Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Putting The Ran In Random

Out of the blue on Monday I was pulled out of my office to be introduced to Peter Snell. I haven't met many famous folk so while waiting to shake his hand I thought about what I should say to him. My first thought was how celebrities complain that when some people met them they are told something horribly insensitive like "You look taller on TV" or "You look skinner in the movies".

Within 3 seconds of listening to him talk to another staff member it became pretty clear that the guy was completely devoid of a sense of humour and saying "You look different in colour" would have probably gone down like a cup of cold sick.

When it was explained to him that I worked in elearning he made a confused face and some vaguely negative comments about the use of technology in education and I realised he really did suit being in black and white.


Anonymous said...

What an arse. Im not too sure that I have met any 'celebs' yet. Except that news reader, Carol from tv3, and she was about 100 metres away. On a beach. Which is about as close as the law will allow me to be to her. (j/k. ish)

Conrad said...

I sold shoes to Sam Hunt once. He was great. He was shopping with a family, I don't know who they were.
He was just annoyed that the purple sparkly Doc Martens I was selling to the kids weren't available in size 11! The best celebs we served were the cross-dressers from Skitz, and the worst was the Anchor/Fernleaf girl. She was just so distant and impossible to engage.

Anonymous said...

Is the fernleaf girl the one off scarfies?

Meredith said...

Actually, I think that was Willa O'Neill in Scarfies. Hey Scott - is it Willa or the butter girl that is your sister-in-law?