Friday, December 15, 2006

She Dreams In Colour, She Dreams In Red

At this time of year I can't help but think about just how many things have changed in my life in the past couple of years. There are really quite a few - some small, some not so small. If I sat down and thought hard about them all at once, I'd probably need the same kind of professional care as Tigger or Rabbit. But as I don't have a desire of using up good drinking money on therapy, I don't dwell on it. All of these changes are positive in my mind although some have affected others negatively....or they think it has (me behind the wheel of a car being the clear exception).

Perhaps one of the least outwardly obvious change I've experienced would my general feeling about people and the world. Because I was so desperately unhappy in my home life I used to have less of the occasional bout of uber rage and more like an ongoing seething hatred for humankind.

There are things of course things that still annoy the hell out of me such as self important idiots, tail gaters, people who use big words to say little things, homophobia, second-hand smoke, when people talk about 'Vitamin B' (there are like over 10 different Vitamin B's) and when the council shuts down the water supply during the day and when you get home from work and turn on the tap you get splattered with dirty water.....

But the seething hatred for humankind......gone.....that was until I had do some last minute Christmas shopping at a mall. Thanks to that little bout of consumerism, I'll be spending Christmas Eve disposing of bodies.


mist1 said...

Rule # 1 about body disposal:

Never blog about it.

Also, if you need to borrow a saw, I may have one or two lying around here.

Meredith said...

It seems I have much to learn wise sensei....

Unknown said...

Have a good Christmas Meredith. Hope you get whatever it is you are wishing for.



... said...

Did you get caught while disposing of them or something???