Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sci Fi Fantasy Plot 102

Step 7: Select the appropriate pronoun and enter 'must defeat the'

Step 8: Choose one of evil, dark or powerful and one of wizard, witch or sorcerer

Step 9: Create a name for the antagonist. Here names beginning with M are strongly recommended and names that start with a word associated with evilness or death are excellent choices, for example Mortack or Murdana.

Step 10: Think of a world ending outcome if the antagonist created in Step 9 is not usurped by the hero such as [name of civilisation/species]'s fourteen moons collide or pretty much any outcome that includes the words chaos, oblivion or extinction

Now just put it all together with three dramatic dots at the end of the paragraph (' ... ') and you've got yourself a winner of a sci-fi/fantasy writing award that is named after some guy you've never heard of but always has an initial in his name' e.g. J.Edgar Johnston or William V. Hardy.

Let me demonstrate....

[Name] is the [last/only/remaining] [name of civilisation/species] aided only by [his/her] [corny ability] and [weapon or creature or scantily clad love interest] [he/she] must defeat the [evil, dark or powerful] [wizard, witch or sorcerer] [antagonist name] before [dramatic result] ...


Kalex-dor-tan is the last Katandorian. Aided only by his ability to communicate with the earth itself and the beautiful Kendia, he must defeat the dark sorcerer Murdana before Katandor falls to oblivion...


Seraph said...

You DO realise that Robert Jordan and his posse are going to pop a cap in you now, don't you ?

Meredith said...

Yeah, but it'll take RJ at least 7 years to get it done so I got a bit of time ;)

Anonymous said...

That is eerily true! And I think it goes even deeper or shallower in this case, take a look at B grade action/horror movies...

Pick an animal and make it about 10ft tall, if you picked an animal that was already 10ft tall or bigger then double it's original size. Also feel free to choose from insects, bacteria, rare deep see fish and extinct animals.

Title: [insert animal]

Setting: Small isolated island

Threat: genetically modified [insert animal]

Cause of threat: secret military operation, for the purpose of developing an organic weapon of mass destruction

Heroes: small group of scientists

Villain: senior military guy and [insert animal]

Villain demise: senior military guy killed by [insert animal] in the last quarter, [insert animal] killed by small group of scientists in the final scene

Scientist casting notes: age in 20s, buff, previous experience as department store underwear model desirable

Anonymous said...

You totally rule. I'm off to make gazillions in sci-fi now - MURWAHAHAHA

Jack Dee said...

I like it 1 I'll go for some like

Kath’erhl is the last remaining Thak’ler’th rider of the Highland warriors.
Long has he sought the Ruby eys of Justice only by The Thruth(His Grandpapa's 5foot Bastard sword) and the beauteous Princess Valentina, together they must go on a mystic journey to defeat the witch-priest M’erath of Zoth before
"The Darkness" descends…