Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I Ordered From The Menu Therefore Am I

On Thursday night S and I went out to dinner with her friends J and D. When I first met them 18 months ago it was made fairly clear that D didn't really like me based on something about my appearance and during their time in New Zealand we never socialised as a group again. However since they are now returning to the UK, a farewell dinner was arranged and I decided a meal at Restaurant 88 made it worth a trip out.

When we arrived J greeted S and I with fond hellos and D said hello to S.....just to S. After a brief and awkward moment where I thought perhaps she hadn't recognised me I said pointedly "Uh, hi Des." and was rewarded with a quiet grunt of hello.

And that was the most engaged D would be with me for the rest of the night.

I am not exaggerating even a little bit when I say D pretended I wasn't there at the table the entire night. I have to give her some credit for achieving this given she was ignoring 25% of the dinner party. Even more so since I was sitting opposite her which meant she had to follow any conversation between S and J like a tennis match as to prevent any chance of looking in my direction. She also managed to stop and stifle laughing at any of my jokes by pursing her lips till they turned sorta blueish.

This game became quite tiresome about half an hour into the event so I stopped engaging in the conversation and let my mind wonder. I started to have an existential moment and wondered if I was really sitting there at the table. Perhaps D was ignoring me because I simply wasn't there, perhaps I existed only because S believed I was there. My mind raced back to my first year Philosophy credit filler course and then to the movie The Sixth Sense.

And then I realised she was just an emotionally retarded uber bitch.


Anonymous said...

Goes to show a little philosophy can be a dangerous thing.

But seriously, you're not easy to ignore. That some intense effort.

Seraph said...

What a freaking nut-bag ! Let's hope she never sets her cursed foot on these fair shores again !

Anonymous said...

she is a freakshow ... so many issues you couldn't list them all ..... you were clearly far too much woman for her to deal with

Meredith said...

I've decided to take that as a compliment Mike ;)

Philsophy can indeed be a powerful thing....except perhaps on your CV.

Meredith said...

I'm with you on one that Seraph, the Immigration Service got it right this time and she couldn't get residency..hehehehe...ahem.

Meredith said...

Good point Anon, the freakshow does tend to have a bearded lady eh?

Among other things I like the way you think...too much woman for sure. She's just a pear shaped hourglass hater.