Friday, February 24, 2006

Burnt Chop Syndrome

Oh, and while I am thinking of it... Here's another food analogy relating to my stupid life observations.

Even great cooks occasionally botch the prep or cooking of a meal and this demonstrates some interesting human behaviour which I call Burnt Chop Syndrome.

Imagine if you will someone cooking the evening meal of lamb chops. They accidentally burn one of the chops and when serving they give it to themselves. Yep. We've all done it. People with B.C.S ALWAYS takes the 'burnt chop' yet they resent the fact they are always the one with that 'burnt chop'. It applies to all situations where they are sacrifice for others, hate doing it but can't stop.

I find it interesting that so many wives and mothers are prone to suffer from B.C.S yet very few men are affected......

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I tells ya....its cos the person serving those chops has B.C.S....