Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New! Stupid Idea!

You may have picked up from previous posts that my embarrassingly heterosexual girl cat is way past the festively plump stage and is now officially obese. I really do my best for her, I make an effort to engage in active play with her, she doesn't get snacks except the very occasional sliver of raw chicken and I spend $60 a pop on special diet cat food which I dutifully measure out twice a day. So imagine my delight when I picked up the latest sack of cat food from the vets and saw this great big yellow announcement:

What?! OK....whose fabulous idea was it to improve the taste of low calorie cat food? Hey logic boy, if p = q and q = t then my cat is going to eat even more of this food, damn it. Your Vulcan-like logic is astounding.


Seraph said...

How the hell do they know it 'tastes great' anyway ? You gotta wonder.

Meredith said...

The mind boggles. I suspect the same way they found that only 1 out of 300 hundred (or some large number) cats dislike the taste of caramel and therefore they make antibiotic paste in that flavour.

Caramel - part of every cat's natural diet.