Monday, June 26, 2006

My Brain Is Full

Yep, I know exactly how that little peanut head is feeling right now. My head is so full that if I stop for a second to think, I hear one of two things: A loud screaming noise or hysterical laughter. I'm somewhat concerned it is me making that noise outloud and everyone is too frightened to mention it.

The thing occupying most of my brain space is the fact that I've had an amazing job offer. It is about 3 steps above what I would have aimed for had I been looking, so it really is an offer I can't refuse. I am now just waiting for the paper work to come through so I can tender my resignation...

'It is with regret that I must offer my resignation. See you, wouldn't want to be you. Yours sincerely. Meredith'

I've been at my current job 5 years and with it being my very first full time position it is a somewhat scary prospect leaving as I will be terribly tempted to tell some of the f&ckbags I have had to work with over the years, exactly what I think of them and their bad dye jobs.

With my impending resignation comes the daunting task of handing over what I do now. This alone would be no small job but my time for the next 10 days is filled with the final stages of organising a 150 person conference...ummm..pretty much single-handedly. As a result I am having some serious uber rage towards delegates. Academics are proving they can't read instructions and Finance staff are learning all about the difference between GST exclusive and inclusive. Come to think of it, maybe that note at the top of every exam paper 'Please read the instructions carefully' is for the tutor and not the students.

My shoulder has been another concern but I have put the thought of that in a little wee box and put it right at the back of the top shelf of my wardrobe where I'll never find it until I am looking for my old cassette tapes. For instance if I have the sudden need to listen to Check That Out 2 or Everyones a Winner compilation tapes. Basically the x-rays showed it wasn't bone and the ultrasound showed it wasn't anything outside of the bone. I have to go for bloods and an MRI to take a peak at my bone marrow now. I'm still hoping it is just an agrophobic parasitic twin...who is wearing electrified barbed wire clothes. Um right. Did I mention I'm not getting a lot of sleep? Ok cool.


Anonymous said...

Hi there - I'm a regular reader of your blog (thank GOD you updated it!) but, you're leaving?! Will you still be blogging....?
Whats you're new job doing?

Meredith said...

Thanks for reading! :)

Yep, I'm leaving my current job but I'm not leaving my blog behind, don't you worry. I'll have a whole new bunch of people to make fun of. It'll be great!

Becky said...

congrats for the job offer!!!

Meredith said...

Oh, whoops I didn't answer your question anonmyous..(who are you I wonder....)

My new job is Project Manager for a elearning related project (being vague here again so I can talk about my work later). Its a nation-wide project that needs to be completed in 1 year. Vis a vis: Cool but scary.

I'm interested..."thank GOD I updated it!" ? It hasn't been that long has it? ;)

Anonymous said...

haha - yeah sorry, you're blog is uber funny - like a ray of sunshine in my otherwise cloudy day.... congrats on the job! Are you a Project Manager at the moment?

Meredith said...

Ummm...kinda? My job now is part Business Analysis, part Project Management, part Communications, part Technical Assistance, part Website Administration. I basically whore around work disciples all day and get the bits and pieces done that no-one else knows needs to be done. Until I leave that is...heh heh heh.

Oh and anyone who uses uber in reference to my blog is ok in my books and shouldn't ever have to apologise. ;) Oh, unless it is 'uber' followed by the words suck, bite or blows. Yeah.

Conrad said...

Hey, sis, I'm pretty sure that "Everyone's a Winner" cassette tape is mine, not yours! You were like, 8, when that was released. Great sentimental value it has, too. So I hope you don't sell it on Trademe along with all my book collection!

Meredith said...

Hey there big bro. I wonder if I had talked about the 'Tiffany' tape whether you would have spoken up about ownership....??? ;)

Conrad said...

Ummm. Yeah. Tiffany, huh? I think I'll Olly North on that one. Seem to be suffering from memory problems in my advanced age. And we don't want to declare war now, do we? I seem to recall some posters in your room you would rather be forgotten. You know, the ones that were there before River Phoenix and Pearl Jam.

Meredith said...

Ah yes. Most excellent point wise one. Truce it is my worthy adversary.