For those who don't know about the Cool Wall - its part of the BBC show Top Gear. Top Gear in simple girly-like terms is a car show. As part of the show they rate the cars they've reviewed using the following scale:
- Seriously Uncool
- Uncool
- Cool
- Sub Zero
The boys almostly magically produced a metal board with magnetic pictures of around 50 cars and the Cool Wall scale along the top and I was asked to place all 50 cars under the 'correct heading'. I was also told to pick my favourite car and explain in no more than 50 words why I liked it. The answer which couldn't be based on its name or colour. Christ guys...given I can't see whether it has a cool stereo "it looks cool" is my standard answer when it comes to cars.
It took me 15 minutes to complete during which time no-one spoke to me and it was ensured I was given adequate light and leverage.
You'll be pleased to know I was given a pass with only 5 of my choices being 'wrong'. The boys were impressed thank god...I've had less stressful university exams...
What a complete bunch of dicks ! You should have told them to cram it with walnuts !
I would have been tempted to have done things as wrong as I possibly could !
Ahhh, it was all in the spirit of drunken fun.
I can assure you that my successful completion of the task was pure fluke. I applied the following rules of thumb.
1. If it was a Ferrari, Lamborgini, Porshe or if it was so ridiculous close to the ground that you'd have trouble with speed bumps and driveways it was Sub Zero.
2. If it was a BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Pergeot or Audi and wasn't a station wagon it was Cool.
3. If it was a big powerful vehicle but looked stupid or ugly (eg the Hummer) it was Uncool
4. If it was shaped like a door wedge or had a stupid name like 'Panda' then it was Seriously Uncool...unless it was a Ford.
Seraph. Sit down and relax, take it easy. You cannot, not participate. A vehicular investment is not one to be rushed. The "test" in question was developed by the top brass at the BBC to provide assistance, on such nights, to those such as us, to test the in-depth knowledge of whoever (in our case a young lady) with their idea's of what's hot and what's not. Naturally we could have seen straight through any attempt just to do things "as wrong as" possible. This is a bogans intuition. Our advice follow the Bogan Personality points 1 - 4 and you can't go wrong. Failing that try (there will be a test).
Enjoy lesson one.........jt
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