Wednesday, August 23, 2006


According to Dr Victor Aziz, a psychiatrist at Whitchurch Hospital in Cardiff, an increase in a condition known as 'musical hallucination' where the brain continuously hears music that is perceived to be real is partially due to in increase of exposure to music in everyday life - like from iPods (hence the common name iPoditis)

He was quoted as saying "Having a song in your head is quite normal every now and then. But musical hallucinations can be quite distressing" (I bet, particularly if that music is Kenny G)

However, despite his most awesome Dr Suess-esque like name, I disagree with Dr Aziz.

As recent experience and resulting sleep deprivation informs me, iPoditis is in fact the obsessive compulsive disorder that takes affect immediately after purchasing your first mp3 player, which compels you to burn all of your CDs to your player within the shortest possible timeframe.


Becky said...

i wish i had ipoditis. then i wouldn't be so sad about my dog eating mine. :o(
(This happened in April or May)

Meredith said...

Urgh. That's gotta suck. :(

So your contents insurance didn't cover Acts of Dog?

Mike said...

Be warned, iPoditis does not decrease over time. If anything it does increase such desires, and has further side effects as singing at volume in streets, and can lead to "Whatsthatsongagain Fever".

Be warned. But very cool, I approve.

... said...

I had that disease - eventually it overwhelmed me and i had to let my b/f load up the final set of mp3's and to this day i have some straaaange songs come on when i choose random.

But i was over it by the time i realised that and now i can't be arsed going through them all and weeding out the ones i don't want.

Never let someone else load music to your player!

Meredith said...

On the bright side this illness has given me the opportunity to find the 100% full proof cure for meh-anitis (better known as the grumps)

Its is.....listening to the Sabre Dance!! See the following for a short sample
